15 Healthy Hair Habits You Should Practice in Daily Life

1. Feed Your Hair This can’t be stressed enough: healthy hair starts from within. We’re not saying you've got to become vegan, but you ought to include healthy fruits and veggies in your diet and drink a lot of water. 2. Take Your Vitamins A daily supplement like our Advanced Healthy Hair Vitamins will work alongside your diet to fill in whatever nutrients you would possibly be lacking and promote healthy hair growth. 3. Take care with Heat As the saying goes, an excessive amount of an honest thing is often bad for you. an excessive amount of heat too often can cause damage, and eventually your hair won’t revert back to its wild . Also, an excessive amount of or improper use of warmth can cause dry, brittle hair, breakage, and split ends. 4. Cleanse Hair & Scalp Regularly An unclean scalp filled with buildup can clog pores and follicles and essentially hamper healthy growth. And admittedly, dirty hair is simply not sanitary! 5. Use Fingertips When Cleansing ...